This idea that small things create larger things and obey natural laws is an ancient notion, Lucretius Carus touched on this 2000 years ago.
Our current direction of science to understand subatomic particles as aspects of a chaotic theory may explicate the relativity pertinent to initial conditions, quantum units, their mechanics, disorder, heterogeneity and with sound reason define how "open systems" function in a "closed system".
In this hypothesis I wish to clarify the meaning of “chaos” this term can conjure up a lot of semantic confusion.
Does the term "Chaos" suggest a state of disorder as non - equilibrium?
Does the infrastructure of a “heterogeneous” closed system imply that the 2nd Law of Motion can function in perpetuity?
If quantum matter was truly homogeneous, should the universe not appear as one gigantic, visible and verifiable entity?
From a simple observation we can see the universe displays a favorable inclination to a heterogeneous state and in conjunction if empirical methods could explicate, we would soon realize that all quantum units are tangible measures of heat and their manner of function is linear and unitary.
These quanta terms; Alpha, Beta and Gamma are used here to avoid having to invent new terminology.
The key here is to assume; all constituents when mixed form a non - homogenous space. Although we cannot physically verify this hypothesis the fact is; from physical observations it can be argued that baryon matter is limited in volume and that quantum unit values are unchangeable, in addition they operate in a unitary manner. Any variation to a units' thermal value would contradict Newton's 1st Law of Thermodynamics; matter cannot be destroyed or created.
An empirical approach to gather data maybe very difficult if not impossible when dealing with quantum units; a more likely way for insight and understanding this phenomenon is with an open mind to theoretical philosophy.
Quantum chaos deals with concepts whose properties can be calculated using determinism as an evolvement of open systems. This chaotic approach to simple or complex open systems proposes in theory, concepts that the systems in question are influenced by external forces (net force).
In a scientific context the word chaos insinuates dynamic instability, actually it’s a profoundly different design. The underlying order of chaos obeys the laws of initial conditions with inherent predictability in all open systems. The principle idea of chaos – no matter how big a complex (black hole) or how small a particle may be – it relies on the underlying order of quantum matter. There is a direct relationship between quanta density, net force, initial condition and quantum linear motion in the Greater Universe (GU). Since both dark matter and baryon particles are greater in thermal values (volume) than Alpha units, it is safe to consider a non equilibrated environment exists. All motion is dependent on net force and net force is sensitive to the initial conditions of its surrounding environment.
Although we associate chaos as a lack of order, this presumption could be no further from its fundamental principles; it is more accurate to infer how chaos motivates net force and quantum unit interactions; seemingly in randomness. Net force and quantum mechanics may seem as random interactions, actually they are deterministic and predictable.
If we want to make sense, we must first identify what the basic structure of quantum matter is, in order to reveal the basic reason for chaos. Chaos is not only deterministic but in essence its’ doctrine is that all occurrences in nature take place in accordance with natural laws.
The primary question: what is the relationship between a closed system, open systems and the mechanics of motion?
What underlying conditions are necessary to create a perpetual chaotic state that demonstrates deterministic dynamics? This argument can be supported by Newton’s 1st L of T (matter cannot be created or destroyed).
The correspondence principle infers predictions that the mechanics of systems are dependent on the surrounding environments; this said, to what extent is this extrapolation relative? We must assume that the world we can observe somehow evolved from this underlying quantum phenomenon.
Simple causes will produce simple effects; hence sound reason may assume that complexities (stars) are produced by a large number of simple acts. This can be interpreted as a direct consequence of a simple law of net force, though it may seem imperceptible; simple causes do form the myriad of wonders we see.
Defining the properties of quantum units; - In physics natural units must be tangible measurements of heat; the numerical value of quantum units by natural intent describe a linear operation based on intrinsic constants. All tangible properties in mechanical terms can and are expressed in terms of "heat units", in which "coalescence" or "decay" (dispersal) are functions of all open systems while existing simultaneously and embedded in their surrounding environments. There is but one common way to relate an increase of baryon matter in volume; this accomplishment is the sole act of coalescence which in turn is exclusively dependent on net force and net force is sensitive to the initial conditions of the surrounding environment.
My definition of a chaos theory at its core; a branch of science that deals with a closed system whose initial conditions depend on more than just one intrinsic quantum value for perpetual evolution and devolution.
The behavior of a closed system is deterministic and displays complete dependence on the initial conditions to form random open systems; “chaotic” infers a state whose quantum units carry intrinsic thermal values.
It may appear that chaos directs random changes but incorrect to brand the Chaos theory as without order. Chaos is not only deterministic, but its very essence is directive.
Example; two bodies with differing mass values (thermal values) when “embedded” in the same initial conditions the behavior of the surrounding environment will always react exactly the same.
Can a Chaos theory be verifiable using empiricism?
Since more or less 95 percent of matter is invisible, quantum as individual units cannot empirically be measured, a philosophical view to rationalize concepts and satisfy pursuits of knowledge in regards to quantum units is necessary.
Philosophy is considered to be the ultimate pursuit of knowledge when dealing with the initial conditions of discrete matter which are well beyond our empirical means to discern by sight. To distinguish a quantum unit as something different when "it" in "itself" is the environment is a futile quest. In this respect, Chaos or directive theory is about predictability in a very stable and constant volume of a closed system.
Define intrinsic value; - A quantum unit has in “itself” or for its “own sake” a principle (intrinsic) value and is regarded as an unchangeable in “itself”.
A hypothetical - if a quantum Alpha unit has an intrinsic property, the same property must be present in all other Alpha units, whereas if this unit is to be split in two halves (if possible) you simply will have two halves of thermal values and not a different quantum unit. Whereas a "dark matter particle" consists of one Alpha + one Beta; each unit carries an intrinsic but different value; when split each unit will revert back to its intrinsic thermal value as Alpha and Beta. This argument is again supported by Newton’s 1st L of T (matter cannot be created or destroyed).
One important assumption that created theoretical science is a presumption that laws expressing physical quantum values, when fully understood; words are not just hypotheticals expressing the construct of open systems.
The use of quantum thermal values to describe "man", our physical world or the universe can ultimately be expressed with quantum units, each unit with its own intrinsic and constant thermal value.This technical reference to define chaos is simply to "attribute three distinct intrinsic values" and envision a reasonable foundation for a plausible state of disorder or heterogeneity in perpetuity. In reality all quantum units are tangible measures of heat and their manner of function is unitary.
Newton’s 2nd law of motion is deterministic as it implies that any given open system, when identical initial conditions are applied, will always produce identical results.
As I gaze deep into our universe and observe countless celestial bodies suspended in seemingly empty space, I can’t help but ponder density, density and density. What specific density value is required for a three dimensional model to appear so finely tuned?
Logic may posit that density is uniform and constant throughout the entire Greater Universe (GU), but the distribution of quantum matter is not; whereby initial conditions are universal, albeit the laws of motion that affect net force can only be influential where dark and baryon matter are present. To explain why a net force has dominancy in a Mini Universe when compared to its surrounding environment (GU) is on account of the high Gamma and Beta presence; Gamma and Beta units form dark and baryon” particles” which carry greater numeric thermal values. Since Alpha, Beta and Gamma carry intrinsic but differing values, a state of chaos or non - equilibrium is created. When particles are of greater thermal value than that of their surrounding environment and are at a “relativistic distance” to each other; hence these differing values provide the necessary conditions whereby a heterogeneous environment will create a push force (a net force) as "now" some vectors do not equal zero.
The key here is to assume that all three constituents are mixed in space. Although we cannot physically verify this hypothesis the fact is; from visual observations it can be argued that baryon matter is limited in volume (3 to 10%), quantum units do not change but do operate in a unitary manner. Any variation to the existing Alpha, Beta and Gamma ratios would contradict the 1st L of T, that matter cannot be created nor destroyed.
Though it may seem imperceptible, the Greater Universe is a closed system filled with quantum matter and to presuppose that “nothing” or a “vacuum” of any magnitude can exist in the GU or "elsewhere??" is a presumption based on a false premise.
Initial Conditions for a Chaotic Theory.
Have you ever considered what it takes to make the initial condition of the GU a stable system?
Here are a few; -
- Density;- - Omega must equal One.
- Quantum units "as units of heat" must be percieved as having actual physical existence.
- A “quantum unit” must be perceived as having actual physical existence and therefore capable of being assigned a numeric value.
- All quantum units must rest one adjacent to the next, filling space all inclusive.
- The concept of "nothing" or a true "vacuum" of any magnitude CANNOT exist in the Greater Universe.
- Alpha units form an alpha plasma (Alpha units can not bind with each other) otherwise known as dark energy.
- Dark matter - one Alpha + one Beta form dark matter particles (dm particles cannot bind with each other).
- Baryon matter - one Alpha + one Beta + one Gamma form a baryon particle (baryon particles can coalesce).
- Alpha, Beta and Gamma cannot alter their values; each quantum category carries its own specific thermal value.
- From an assumptive thermal value of a Gamma unit, the formation of overlapping thermal baryon particle values maybe possible or even common.
-The term “covalent adjacency” here is a mechanical approach to explain a possible act that may characterize a pair of gamma particles sharing an Alpha unit to stable the balance.
- Example; a common construct of a baryon particle is – (1 gamma +1 Beta + 1 Alpha) or possibly a less regular (1 Gamma + 2 or 3 Alpha).
- As units coalesce they form dark matter (plasma) and baryon particles; these are smallest fundamental open systems.
- The coalescence effect is a resultant in an environment whereby an unbalanced net force is pushing baryon particles together. Therefore any subsequent coalescence of baryon particles will and does form the myriad of formations we can visibly observe.
- Net force can only be created when initial conditions of an environment are not equilibrated; a system at equilibrium will NOT initiate net force, this suggests that the chaotic environment (GU) at some magnitude is a closed system.
- When two objects are at a “relativistic distance” to each other, a push force (motion) is initiated by a net force as “now” some vectors do not equal zero.
- This model addresses the Archimedes principle; explains why celestial objects seem suspended in seemingly empty space.
- Celestial objects; galaxies, stars do not move with independent motion, they are carried by plasma flow; like any object trapped in a fluidized like environment.
- Every spinning mass will create its own whirlpool. The GU consists of unimaginable number of whirlpools; a myriad of sizes; pools within pools.
- Objects with independent motion will eventually burn out (quantum dispersal) or loose all velocity and be trapped in one or another orbit.
- Any object with independent velocity will encounter drag as it hurls through dark matter and Alpha plasmas.
- The above reasoning provides valid arguments why orbits are elliptical, as evident in our own solar system.
In conclusion --
In seeking to reveal and understand the properties that comprise quantum matter a new field of physics emerged; a branch of science to address discrete quantum units and how they influence the principles of initial conditions, quantum mechanics and net force. The Greater Universe is a three dimensional model and appears to be fine tuned to a very specific density and thermal value, and any small deviations from natures specific conditions, would create massive problems to the initial conditions of said model. In reality any deviation is "impossible" because the GU is a closed system with a "set" thermal value; if matter cannot be created or destroyed, hence fine tuned maybe an inconsequential phrase.
Chaos means a state of disorder and defines an environment whereby quantum units resting contiguously and Omni - directionally one adjacent to the next and may consist of varying intrinsic thermal values. This condition suggests that the first law of thermodynamics maybe axiomatic, as it implies that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. If the 1st L of T is true, the initial conditions of a quantum state significantly suggests that the universe is a chaotic environment; a perpetual existence.
The fundamentals of a Chaos theory can not evolve before a grasp of the basic understanding of quantum matter and its mechanics. Quanta theorists believe that formations are directly formed from smaller things that create bigger things and so on. If we could only physically identify the quantum unit; we would be able to predict how any open system will evolve.
Our inability to observe the quantum state is precisely why we cannot physically create initial conditions to predict experiments and reproduce identical results.
Laws of motion are deterministic but humans are subject to empirical limits, but limitless are the minds in the hands of theoretical philosophers.
We generally attribute chaos as random and a lack of order, it is more accurate to think of it as randomness that results in simple and complex open systems.
Chaos is deterministic in that every event or action is the inevitable result of net force; thus in theory every quantum motion can be predicted in advance.
Read more – introduction to dark matter - .
return to created by Sam Sade created: June 10, 2003 : last modified: August 2, 2009